Savvas EasyBridge 20.1 Release Notes

June 12, 2020

The EasyBridge Release Notes provide descriptions of the major feature enhancements, resolved issues, and known issues for a release.

Feature Enhancements

Enhanced Administrator Tools and Reporting

Administrators now have access to even more district data, including integration settings, import status, and access to download errors and warnings directly from EasyBridge to help problem solve any roster issues. (Go to the District help page for more details.)

Additional Administrator Roles

Administrators are now categorized based on roles and permissions. Administrators with Easybridge access will be able to add and remove permissions for newly created or existing administrators in the district. Based on specific permissions, administrators have access to full or partial data. The three new administrator roles are: EasyBridge Access (full access), Realize Assessment Sharing and Authoring (partial), and Realize Reports (partial). Any existing admAssessment Rolesinistrator will have full EasyBridge access. Please review your district's administrators to determine if partial access should be given. (Go to Administrator Permissions help page learn more.)

Automated Administrator Account Request

District and school staff can now request EasyBridge Administrator Access (full access), Realize Assessment Sharing and Authoring (partial), and Realize Reports (partial) through an automated process similar to teacher self-registration. Staff complete an online form that is sent to existing administrators who can manage the request. If no administrators exist yet in the school or district, the request is sent to Savvas Technical Support. (Go to Request an Admin Account help page to learn more.)

Direct Access to Administrator Assessment Sharing

With the introduction of additional EasyBridge administrator roles, some administrators will have direct access to the new Realize administrator dashboard that provides assessment sharing and authoring for administrators. The new Browse Content link displays on the top navigation when administrators login. By default, all current, existing administrators will have the new assessment sharing and authoring link. This permission can be changed in EasyBridge on the Admins tab. (Go to Browse Content, and Manage Admins to learn more.)

Important Information

Remote Learning & Teacher Resources

Looking for resources for teachers, students and parents? My Savvas Training continues to be updated with information, how to guides, and at-home learning resources. Keep this page bookmarked and check back regularly for updates.

Resolved Issues

Case Sensitivity

Some EasyBridge Plus customers had trouble logging in when the alpha case of the federated ID supplied in the nightly files did not match the case of the user logging in.

Improvements to Sync and Email Notifications

Some customers experienced delays in processing nightly ingestion files during peak periods last year. Significant changes were made to streamline the ingestion process and reduce sync times. In addition, notification of errors and warnings in ingestion files have been enhanced to include more details to help you resolve your issues more quickly.

Known Issues

Hidden Classes

Classes that are hidden in Realize also hide them in EasyBridge. Teachers using Google Classroom classes may need to hide the integrated EasyBridge classes so duplicate classes do not appear to students. If an incorrect class is hidden, students may see a message indicating they do not have any classes. If this occurs, check the hidden classes to verify the correct classes are hidden. [See Unhide a Class help]

Last Updated: May 15, 2024

Important: The information contained in this document is proprietary to Savvas. No part of this document may be disclosed to any third party outside your school or district, or used in any manner not authorized by Savvas.